
2011-11-06 | 00:09:18 | Kategori: Allmänt | 0 kommentarer

I wish I could show you something. Something that can´t be expressed with words. I wish I could show you how much you mean, how much I appreciate everything you do for me, with me. I know it can´t be easy to stand by me all the time, not even most of the time, but somehow you do. I have so much to sort through, to sort out, but you give me time. You have patience and you help me with everything. You carry me through every day, every hard time, every painful memory. I wish I could show you where I am ten years from now, wherever I may be, wherever you may be, and show you who I´ve become thanks to you. I wish I could show you my past, but more importantly, my future. I don´t know where I´ll be in ten years, but I wouldn´t be there without your help and support.

Come home, I miss you. I love you.
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